Step #1 -- Confirm you site is indexed by google.
Open a google search page. the search box type in (note: replace with the name of your domain.)
Press the go button. If you see no results whatsoever, then you are not even indexed in google.
Step #2 -- Search your site for key phrase.
Open a google search page. the search box type in "keyword phrase" (note: replace keyword phrase with the set of keywords you have chosen to search on.)
That's right. Keep the as part of the search. Let's just make sure that google finds the keyword phrase on your site.
Step #3 -- Search the world for key phrase.
Open a google search page. the search box type in "keyword phrase" and press the search button. This will return results from all possible websites for the keyword phrase entered.
Step #4 -- Hunt for your page.
In google preferences select the option to display 100 results per page. This will cut down on the clicking.Now start looking for your website in the first 10 pages of search results for the keyword phrase. This will look in the top 1000 web pages found for that keyword phrase.
Step #5 -- Celebrate or Lament.
If you find your page in the top 100, then celebrate -- things are looking up.If you do not find your page in the top 1000, then lament -- things are looking pretty bad for people finding your website through search engine results. You will either need to concentrate on promotion or changing your keyword positioning.